Based on Celce-Murcia, Dornyei, and Thurrell in Communicative Competence: A
Pedagogically Motivated Model with Content Specifications, there are five
competences included in communicative competence:
Discourse Competence
Discourse competence concerns the selection, sequencing, and arrangement of
words, structures, sentences and utterances to achieve a unified spoken or written
text. There are many sub-areas that contribute to discourse competence:
♪ Cohesion
♪ Deixis
♪ Coherence
♪ Generic structure
♪ Conversational structure
Linguistics Competence
Linguistic competence comprises the basic
elements of communication: the sentence patterns and types, the constituent
structure, the morphological inflections, and the lexical resources, as well as
the phonological and orthograhic systems needed to realize communication as
speech or writing. There are suggested components of linguistics competence:
☺ Syntax
☺ Morphology
☺ Lexicon
☺ Phonology
☺ Orthography
Actional Competence
It is defined as competence in conveying and understanding communicative
intent, that is, matching actional intent with linguistic form based on the
knowledge of an inventory of verbal schemata that carry illocutionary force
(speech acts and speech act sets).
Suggested components of actional competence:
Knowledge of
language functions: interpersonal exchange, informations, opinions, feelings,
suasion, problems, future scenarios
Knowledge of
speech act sets
Sociocultural Competence
It refers to the speaker's knowledge of how to express messages appropriately.
The suggested components of sociocultural are:
♪ Social contextual factors
♪ Stylistic appropriateness factors
♪ Cultural factors
♪ Non-verbal communicative factors
Strategic Competence
We conceptualize strategic competence as knowledge
of communication strategies and how to use them. The suggested components of strategies
☺ Avoidance or Reduction Strategies
☺ Achievement or Compensatory Strategies
☺ Stalling or Time Gaining Strategies
☺ Self-Monitoring Strategies
☺ Interactional Strategies
Source: Celce-Murcia, M., Dornyei, Z. and
Thurrell, S. (1995) Communicative
Competence: A Pedagogically
Motivated Model with Content Specifications,retrieved from, on April 7, 2012 on 8 pm.
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